Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What color eyeliner and eyeshadow looks good if u have brown skin and brown eyes?

black eyeliner, like a light pink or brownish eyeshadowWhat color eyeliner and eyeshadow looks good if u have brown skin and brown eyes?
blackWhat color eyeliner and eyeshadow looks good if u have brown skin and brown eyes?
Greys or golds
With brown eyes - you can wear any color so you are lucky. Play a little with the new colors at the change of the season in the department stores. Eyeliner depends on the look you want to acheive, dramatic, subtle, fun etc. Just try different things and go with what you like.
This may sound silly, but I found that the co-ordinated colors that Almay offers work really well for me. I have medium coloring, brown eyes - I tried the light purple with a cool shade of brown in the middle with lavender liner (day) and expresso liner (evening) and it made my eyes stand out really nice without being overbearing. I use their pallets (sp?) as a starting point and put my spin on them from that point on.
Depends on the look you want to have . . .

Professional toned down . . . close to natural look: medium to light browns with a darker liner brown eyeliner.

Day to evening . . . try Net surfing by Everyday Minerals. It is a dark grayed brown with a purple hue. Lightly done, I can wear this shade of purple without looking like I am ready to pick up men on a street corner. A inky/lighter black liner works.

I have to be careful of very bright or glitter colors since they make my very noticeable eyes give off the wrong impressions. Mattes and shimmers work.
I think a lavender eyeshadow looks great on people with brown eyes. I think dark eyeliner is the best for most (dark brown or black). I have used a lavender eyeshadow that has a little bit of a metallic look (shimmer) to it - and I just love it. Try some at your local department store where they will let you try some on to see how you like it!
dark plumy-brownish color would look good.
Gold tones
Mary Kay's CURRANT CRAZE is a great eye shadow for us brunettes with brown eyes! And, because I have dark brown hair, I use black eyeliner and, yes, some people call that the out-dated ';Cleopatra'; look but I like it and that's what matters.
Whatever kind of skin you have, makeup is nasty face paint.
purple looks great on brown eyes and brown skin.purple make brown eyes look golden and against ur tan skin it will liven ur try a dark purple liner and a lavender shadow.or try the almay eye kits.
gold looks pretty
Mary Kay is a great co.

Vintage Gold is a great color for darker skin. Also darker reds and light pinks are good.

Nuetrals are also good for a darker complection.
black eyeliner. i don't wear too much eyeshadown but when i do i go with medium browns and lite black and dark blue and pink.
Go to and try there virtual makeover. It is a great jumping off point for what will look good with your skin tone and eye color. If you want to go further they have a consultant locator to find your very own beauty consultant. I have used Mary Kay for about 12 years and I will never again use anything else.
well i'll tell you what blue won't look nice. It acually depends on your sense of style. I think light pink or light brown would look nice on you but you really have to try it out . hope this helps you.

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